pous sankranti means the last day of bengoli month chaitra (the 15 th january ) celebrated in bangladesh on the occasion of nobanna (new harvest) also called nobanno festival in many way at festive environment . the hindu community of paril and chandanpur celebrate this festival in religious mood by offering worship to shiva (god) with noibedda (various food) under a big banyan tree . their soul pray to god to forgive their previous sin and coming future life would be beter with plenty crops for survival .folk fare also arrange with various house hold goods and toys surrounding this colourful and festive event

view of an old banyan tree at birulia savar manik gonj . the banyan tree is the integral part of banglee’s daily life and cultural life during thousands of year in many way ..

pous sankranti festival called nobanno (new harvesting) festival is celebrating under a big banyan tree with offering ritual worship to recieve the new harvest crops and better production for the next through the huge crowd of multicultural community at paril manik gonj. its a delightful festive event of village people held in

the diversity of style of f village people with farming, childhood emotion , and daily life at chandanpur area singair of manikgonj district bangladesh

gray cukkoo is senn on the branch of banyan tree in spring at singair manik gonj
and folklore of eternal Bengal and a vast cool umbrella of the country*