আঁর তো

the river tora of manikgonj district gradually going to die due to the global warming with climatic change and the man mades agressios like most of the rivers of bangladesh . the flowing river under tora bridge now die looking a narrow canal with vast sandy island . no big transport are travel here except some small boats , people are collecting sands from big dying portion of the river for selling it to the market though the setting sun of evening presenting its glory on the canal look remaining river, people and road transpots crossing over the river on the tora bridge. the returning movement of the working people through the dying sandy island of the river

Emission of huge quantity of toxic elements from brick kilns is causing serious health hazards, experts at a seminar said yesterday. The brick kilns emit toxic fumes containing suspended particulate matters rich in carbon particles and high concentration of carbon monoxides and oxides of sulphur (SOx) that are harmful to eye, lungs and throat.
These air pollutants stunt the mental and physical growth of children, the experts said at the seminar on ‘Brick fields and its ill effect on environment. They also expressed concern over the growing number of brick fields, saying that the toxic fumes also affects crops and plants in the areas adjacent to brick fields. The Legislative Support Service Project of Manabik Shahajya Sangstha (MSS) organised the seminar in the city in association with the European Commission. Parliament Members Begum Raushan Ershad, Prof. Shahidul Islam, Muhammad Shahiduzzaman, Faruk Khan and GM Kader took part in the seminar.
According to the keynote paper, the primary source of Sox — the major pollutants in the air — is traffic vehicles (55.8%), followed by brick manufacturing industry (28.8%). And the primary source of NOx (nitrogen oxides) pollutants is also traffic vehicle (54.5%) and brick manufacturing industry (8.8%). About 8000 brick fields were set up in the country without any clear environmental guidelines, resulting in loss of fertility in agricultural lands, the experts said. Also, nearly 25 to 26 per cent of the country’s wood production are used for burning bricks every year, causing deforestation, they said. Describing the laws concerning brick kilns as inconsistent, Shahidul Islam called for formulating new laws after a discussion with the experts and stake holders to curb environmental pollution.

the life diversity over and surrounding the dying river buriganga, dhaka, , bangladesh on dec 2015

Emission of huge quantity of toxic elements from brick kilns is causing serious health hazards, experts at a seminar said yesterday. The brick kilns emit toxic fumes containing suspended particulate matters rich in carbon particles and high concentration of carbon monoxides and oxides of sulphur (SOx) that are harmful to eye, lungs and throat.
These air pollutants stunt the mental and physical growth of children, the experts said at the seminar on ‘Brick fields and its ill effect on environment. They also expressed concern over the growing number of brick fields, saying that the toxic fumes also affects crops and plants in the areas adjacent to brick fields. The Legislative Support Service Project of Manabik Shahajya Sangstha (MSS) organised the seminar in the city in association with the European Commission. Parliament Members Begum Raushan Ershad, Prof. Shahidul Islam, Muhammad Shahiduzzaman, Faruk Khan and GM Kader took part in the seminar.
According to the keynote paper, the primary source of Sox — the major pollutants in the air — is traffic vehicles (55.8%), followed by brick manufacturing industry (28.8%). And the primary source of NOx (nitrogen oxides) pollutants is also traffic vehicle (54.5%) and brick manufacturing industry (8.8%). About 8000 brick fields were set up in the country without any clear environmental guidelines, resulting in loss of fertility in agricultural lands, the experts said. Also, nearly 25 to 26 per cent of the country’s wood production are used for burning bricks every year, causing deforestation, they said. Describing the laws concerning brick kilns as inconsistent, Shahidul Islam called for formulating new laws after a discussion with the experts and stake holders to curb environmental pollution.

Emission of huge quantity of toxic elements from brick kilns is causing serious health hazards, experts at a seminar said yesterday. The brick kilns emit toxic fumes containing suspended particulate matters rich in carbon particles and high concentration of carbon monoxides and oxides of sulphur (SOx) that are harmful to eye, lungs and throat.
These air pollutants stunt the mental and physical growth of children, the experts said at the seminar on ‘Brick fields and its ill effect on environment. They also expressed concern over the growing number of brick fields, saying that the toxic fumes also affects crops and plants in the areas adjacent to brick fields. The Legislative Support Service Project of Manabik Shahajya Sangstha (MSS) organised the seminar in the city in association with the European Commission. Parliament Members Begum Raushan Ershad, Prof. Shahidul Islam, Muhammad Shahiduzzaman, Faruk Khan and GM Kader took part in the seminar.
According to the keynote paper, the primary source of Sox — the major pollutants in the air — is traffic vehicles (55.8%), followed by brick manufacturing industry (28.8%). And the primary source of NOx (nitrogen oxides) pollutants is also traffic vehicle (54.5%) and brick manufacturing industry (8.8%). About 8000 brick fields were set up in the country without any clear environmental guidelines, resulting in loss of fertility in agricultural lands, the experts said. Also, nearly 25 to 26 per cent of the country’s wood production are used for burning bricks every year, causing deforestation, they said. Describing the laws concerning brick kilns as inconsistent, Shahidul Islam called for formulating new laws after a discussion with the experts and stake holders to curb environmental pollution.

the life diversity of komola pur rail way flatform and the capital city dhaka – sept2015

the diversity of city life dhaka and the dying river buriganga with dockyards

the diversity of city life dhaka and the dying river buriganga with dockyards

the children showing fun sports at singair of manik gonj district

the diversity of city life dhaka and the dying river buriganga with dockyards

buriganga is now the name of a pllution and death ill river . the transporting life of buriganaga and the daily life of surrounding the river is running on hazardous condition in many way ..
খালি ক্ষিধা লাগে ভাইজান!
i feel hungry , i afraid hungry ! not omicron
সাবধান – ওমিক্রন
কি ক্রন ?ওমিক্রন
আরে মিয়া জোরে কন
ওই বয়রা শালা ওমিক্রন
ভাই কিত্তাম আঁই অন
থাকিস বেটা সাবধান
অনেক লোক মারা যাবে
আল্লাহ -ভগবান –প্রভুনয়
জানে মানুষ জন
তো আঁই অন কিত্তাম
আঁইতো গরীব-দুঃখী মেহনতি মানুষ
হেতারা বে কে খালি আঁরে ডর দেয়ায়
ক্ষিদার কথা একবারও জিংজ্ঞায়না
আঁর তো খালি ক্ষিদা লাগে ভাইজান !!
#আব্দুল মালেক বাবুল
১৬ জানু ২০২২