আমরা সূর্যের বুক ছিঁড়ে ছুটে চলি দুরন্ত অশেষ
আমরা অমর অজেয় বাঙ্গালী –আমরাই বাংলাদেশ ।।
we are from solar cherish
always winner forever

the daily life and nature of the island surrounding the river padma at digir par of munshigonj district bangladesh

the daily life and nature of the island surrounding the river padma at digir par of munshigonj district bangladesh

the daily life diversity running on the death ill river buriganga in dhaka city bangladesh

the tea garden labourer returning at evening after plucking the tea leaves at hobigonj bangladesh

লোকজ সংস্কৃতির ঐকতানের দেশ
আমাদের মাতৃভুমি বাংলাদেশ
bangladesh the eternal paradise of
the harmony of folk culture
© আবদুল মালেক বাবুল এফবিপিএস ,এফবিপিএস (সন্মান)
© Abdul Malek Babul FBPS , Hon FBPS
https://bimboophoto.com/ : 01715298747

seasonal migrating people for six months from netrokona to munshigonj district bangladesh to serves the day labour in potato field

the children enjoy the beauty and the fallen leaves with brezze in the childhood emotion .the blooming flower and shadow are joined with them ,

the river tora of manikgonj district gradually going to die due to the global warming with climatic change and the man mades agressios like most of the rivers of bangladesh . the flowing river under tora bridge now die looking a narrow canal with vast sandy island . no big transport are travel here except some small boats , people are collecting sands from big dying portion of the river for selling it to the market though the setting sun of evening presenting its glory on the canal look remaining river, people and road transpots crossing over the river on the tora bridge. the returning movement of the working people through the dying sandy island of the river

the ever green and potential river padma is an integral part of bangalee’s life diversity during thousands years by offering its beauty and ptentiality .some times some where its wash out of live and shelters , some where its dying gradually due to climatic change both are present very melodious life to its surrounding people and environment . on the other hand its very potential for the people of bangladesh by giving transporting opportunity to develop the economic growth of the country . padma also present the country the valuable and delicious world famous silvery hilsha fish to meet up local demand and exporting for lot of foreign currency . the peopl of paturia of manikgonj district depended on padma with their daily life though padma is dying gradually in the area which also creating the big problem to run the ferry movement smoothly . here is the detail of life struggle of people based of the river padma

the river tora of manikgonj district gradually going to die due to the global warming with climatic change and the man mades agressios like most of the rivers of bangladesh . the flowing river under tora bridge now die looking a narrow canal with vast sandy island . no big transport are travel here except some small boats , people are collecting sands from big dying portion of the river for selling it to the market though the setting sun of evening presenting its glory on the canal look remaining river, people and road transpots crossing over the river on the tora bridge. the returning movement of the working people through the dying sandy island of the river

the ever green and potential river padma is an integral part of bangalee’s life diversity during thousands years by offering its beauty and ptentiality .some times some where its wash out of live and shelters , some where its dying gradually due to climatic change both are present very melodious life to its surrounding people and environment . on the other hand its very potential for the people of bangladesh by giving transporting opportunity to develop the economic growth of the country . padma also present the country the valuable and delicious world famous silvery hilsha fish to meet up local demand and exporting for lot of foreign currency . the peopl of paturia of manikgonj district depended on padma with their daily life though padma is dying gradually in the area which also creating the big problem to run the ferry movement smoothly . here is the detail of life struggle of people based of the river padma

the ever green and potential river padma is an integral part of bangalee’s life diversity during thousands years by offering its beauty and ptentiality .some times some where its wash out of live and shelters , some where its dying gradually due to climatic change both are present very melodious life to its surrounding people and environment . on the other hand its very potential for the people of bangladesh by giving transporting opportunity to develop the economic growth of the country . padma also present the country the valuable and delicious world famous silvery hilsha fish to meet up local demand and exporting for lot of foreign currency . the peopl of paturia of manikgonj district depended on padma with their daily life though padma is dying gradually in the area which also creating the big problem to run the ferry movement smoothly . here is the detail of life struggle of people based of the river padma

the ever green and potential river padma is an integral part of bangalee’s life diversity during thousands years by offering its beauty and ptentiality .some times some where its wash out of live and shelters , some where its dying gradually due to climatic change both are present very melodious life to its surrounding people and environment . on the other hand its very potential for the people of bangladesh by giving transporting opportunity to develop the economic growth of the country . padma also present the country the valuable and delicious world famous silvery hilsha fish to meet up local demand and exporting for lot of foreign currency . the peopl of paturia of manikgonj district depended on padma with their daily life though padma is dying gradually in the area which also creating the big problem to run the ferry movement smoothly . here is the detail of life struggle of people based of the river padma

the ever green and potential river padma is an integral part of bangalee’s life diversity during thousands years by offering its beauty and ptentiality .some times some where its wash out of live and shelters , some where its dying gradually due to climatic change both are present very melodious life to its surrounding people and environment . on the other hand its very potential for the people of bangladesh by giving transporting opportunity to develop the economic growth of the country . padma also present the country the valuable and delicious world famous silvery hilsha fish to meet up local demand and exporting for lot of foreign currency . the peopl of paturia of manikgonj district depended on padma with their daily life though padma is dying gradually in the area which also creating the big problem to run the ferry movement smoothly . here is the detail of life struggle of people based of the river padma
we are bangladesh
জয় বাংলা ,জয় বঙ্গবন্ধু ,জয় বীর বাংগালী,
বাংলাদেশ চিরজীবি হউক ..
©আবদুল মালেক বাবুল এফবিপিএস ,এফবিপিএস (সন্মান)
© Abdul Malek Babul FBPS , Hon FBPS
https://bimboophoto.com/ : 01715298747